Numpuz: Number Puzzle Games
1LINE –One Line with One Touch
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Numpuz: Number Puzzle Games 1LINE –One Line with One Touch
Country Downloads Revenues Downloads Revenues
Mexico 208,769 $0 26,574 $0
India 208,613 $0 217,390 $0
Brazil 133,374 $0 33,043 $0
Thailand 65,158 $0 14,284 $0
Viet Nam 60,539 $0 86,468 $0
Japan 26,150 $0 1,063 $0
Malaysia 15,165 $0 2,013 $0
Korea 11,745 $0 1,715 $0
Saudi Arabia 10,738 $0 4,515 $0
United States 5,930 $0 7,238 $0
Pakistan 4,740 $0 - -
Spain 2,624 $0 5,244 $0
China 1,595 $0 - -
Egypt 1,154 $0 52,812 $0
Hong Kong 422 $0 383 $0
Singapore 420 $0 1,857 $0
Taiwan 367 $0 - -
Netherlands 337 $0 838 $0
Sweden 270 $0 - -
Australia 92 $0 158 $0
Canada 73 $0 445 $0
Norway 4 $0 210 $0
Hungary 3 $0 910 $0
Ireland 2 $0 161 $0
Indonesia - - 35,065 $0
Russian Federation - - 34,092 $0
Turkey - - 18,640 $0
Colombia - - 14,966 $0
Philippines - - 11,253 $0
Ecuador - - 9,761 $0
Venezuela - - 4,270 $0
Israel - - 3,357 $0
France - - 3,104 $0
Romania - - 2,505 $0
Peru - - 1,952 $0
United Kingdom - - 1,228 $0
Chile - - 873 $0
Uruguay - - 853 $0
Sri Lanka - - 561 $0
Kenya - - 425 $0
Switzerland - - 215 $0
Portugal - - 196 $0
Poland - - 82 $0
Czech Republic - - 47 $0

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